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Ascenion supports the LifeTime Consortium

Ascenion has supported the 20 parties of the European LifeTime research consortium in agreeing the legal framework for their scientific cooperation.

The cooperation agreement sets down the way in which research activities and grants are distributed, and how the partners deal with IP arising during the cooperation. On the basis of the agreement, the participating institutes, coordinated by the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), have already commenced preparatory work.

LifeTime is an interdisciplinary research project funded initially for one year as part of the EU programme Horizon 2020. It aims to develop new tools and methods that will enable a better understanding of cellular mechanisms and functions in every single cell of the human body. The consortium consists of 17 Beneficiaries and three Linked Third Parties in 15 countries.

Further information is available on the LifeTime website.