

Jackson Stock Number: 004368


Animal Model 129-Il10tm1Cgn/J


Mice homozygous for the targeted mutation are viable and fertile when housed under SPF conditions. At 3 months of age mutant mice exhibit severe intestinal lesions, increased granulocyte counts and elevated serum amyloid A levels. There is a 67% prevalence of colorectal adenocarcinoma. This mutant mouse strain represents a model that may be useful in studies related to inflammatory bowel disease.
Cancer Research:Growth Factors/Receptors/Cytokines

Hematological Research:
Anemia, Iron Deficiency and Transport Defects (hemolytic), Immunological Defects

Immunology Inflammation Research:
and Autoimmunity Growth Factors/Receptors/Cytokines Immunodeficiency, Inflammation (Inflammatory bowel disease)

Further Reading & Data Sheet

See information from The Jackson Laboratory

This animal model is bred and managed by The Jackson Laboratory and marketed for commercial use by Ascenion.