
STOCK Il2rgtm1Cgn/J

Jackson Stock Number: 002479


Mice homozygous for the Il2rgtm1Cgn targeted mutation are viable and fertile. Mutant mice have hypoplastic thymuses with a 10-fold reduction in the absolute number of lymphocytes. They have a limited number of mature splenic B and T cells, lack NK cells and Peyer's patches, and development of gut-associated intraepithelial lymphocytes is diminished. In vitro studies show defects in NK activity, IL4-directed Ig class switching of thymocytes, and thymocyte mitogenic responses.

Cancer Research:
Growth Factors/Receptors/Cytokines

Immunology and Inflammation Research:
Growth Factors/Receptors/Cytokines

Research Tools:
Immunology and Inflammation Research (NK Cell Deficiency)

Further Reading & Data Sheet

See information from The Jackson Laboratory

This animal model is bred and managed by The Jackson Laboratory and marketed for commercial use by Ascenion.