
CrispRGold - Design of efficient Crispr/Cas sgRNA sequences

Reference Number TO 03-00431


The efficiency of Crispr/Cas genome editing directly depends on sgRNA sequence.


CrispRGold is a sgRNA design tool that searches for optimal sgRNA candidates in given genes or sequences.CrispRGold goes through iterative loops with decreasing stringency to find sgRNAs. The most important criteria for the design is the specificity, which is calculated based on genome-wide alignments of each candidate sgRNA and subsequent analysis of the mutation distance of each potential offtarget-site. In addition to the specificity, CrispRGold filters for parameters important for the efficiency.

Commercial Opportunity


Development Status


Further Reading

Efficient CRISPR-mediated mutagenesis in primary immune cells using CrispRGold and a C57BL/6 Cas9 transgenic mouse line. Chu et al., PNAS 2016. PMID: 27729526