
HZI and Ascenion’s portfolio company InSCREENeX receive technology transfer award

This year’s technology transfer award from Braunschweig’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce goes to scientists at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and its spin-off company InSCREENeX. Together, they have developed technologies for the rapid and cost-efficient production of cell lines with tissue-like characteristics that enable mechanistic studies, drug screening, initial ADME/TOX evaluation and tailored drug development. The approach can be applied to any tissue from any donor and requires only a minimal amount of cells for the starting material. For the biopharmaceutical industry, it provides a powerful tool to speed-up the time- and cost-intensive process of drug discovery, as well as a new and efficient route to research, develop and evaluate personalized medicines.

Ascenion, the HZI’s technology transfer partner, worked closely with the scientists for more than a decade and was instrumental in getting the new company off the ground.

For further information:

See HZI’s press release (available in German language only)
See InSCREENeX’ website