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OMEICOS Therapeutics receives a 2.5 million Euros grant to co-finance a Phase 2a clinical study

Ascenion's portfolio company OMEICOS has received a significant grant by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (“BMBF”) to co-finance a Phase 2a study evaluating their lead product candidate OMT-28 in Primary Mitochondrial Disease (PMD) patients.

The biopharma company OMEICOS Therapeutics has discovered a series of metabolically robust synthetic analogues of omega-3 fatty acid-derived epoxyeicosanoids that have the potential to treat mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammatory, cardiovascular, and other diseases.

PMD patients suffer from debilitating and life-threatening health consequences, such as severely limited physical stamina and disease-related changes in the heart and skeletal muscles, as well as associated neurological disorders. In preclinical in vitro and in vivo tests, the positive influence of OMT-28 on mitochondrial function and its impact on inflammatory processes associated with the condition has been demonstrated.

“Beyond the strong financial support, the BMBF’s decision adds further validation to our approach of expanding the clinical development of OMT-28 into this indication,” commented Dr Robert Fischer, CEO/CSO of OMEICOS Therapeutics.

Further Information:
OMEICOS’ press release